Mission & Values

Mission and Values

EBCDA exists to provide

 resources, support and capacity building programmes for community groups that are based upon partnerships, equal opportunities and sustainable outcomes


(adopted from Community Development National Occupational Standards)

The community development process is underpinned by a set of values on which all practice is based.  There are five key values that underpin all community development practice:

Work for a more just and equal society which recognises environmental, political, cultural and economic issues by;

  • Celebrating the strengths, skills and assets in communities
  • Acknowledging and challenging inequalities, injustice and imbalances of power
  • Promoting human and civil rights and responsibilities

Respect, value, support and promote difference and diversity whilst rejecting and challenging any form of oppression, discrimination and sectarianism.

  • Recognise that discrimination works at individual, community, organisational/institutional and societal levels
  • Explore and challenge all forms of discrimination
  • Develop anti-oppressive policies and practices which actively support and value diversity

Enable communities to develop confidence, capacity, skills and relationships to shape collective action and challenge imbalances of power.

  • Enable communities to recognise and build on their existing skills, knowledge and expertise
  • Promote the rights of communities to define themselves, their priorities and agendas for action

Provide the space for communities to develop critical, creative, independent and active decision making and participation

Promote the active participation of people within communities, using the power of a collective voice and goal.

  • Recognise the wealth of creative and positive resources within individuals and communities
  • Promote and support diverse communities to agree and take action on their common concerns and interests
  • Use the power of the collective voice to plan and take collective action while respecting the rights of others

Create and encourage opportunities for collective learning through action and shared reflection.

  • Learn from shared experiences of working in collaboration
  • Understand experiences in the context of wider social, political and economic forces
  • Encourage critical reflection on own practice, values and beliefs

“Community development enables people to work collectively to bring about positive social change.”

From Community Development National Occupational Standards