
Volunteer Development

Volunteer Development imageWhat is Volunteering?

‘Volunteering is the commitment of time and energy, for the benefit of society and the community, the environment, or individuals outside (or in addition to) one’s immediate family. It is unpaid and undertaken freely and by choice’.

This definition refers to both formal volunteering (carried out with, or under the auspices of an organisation/group) and informal volunteering (carried out outside the organisation, often at neighbourhood level but outside, or in addition to, the immediate family).

Why is volunteering important?

As a volunteer you bring something unique to your volunteer role. The organisation, community or cause you’re involved with is enhanced and diversified by your volunteering contribution. You make a difference!

20 good reasons to volunteer

  1. Help others
  2. Make a difference
  3. Contribute to a cause that you care about
  4. Improve employability
  5. Meet new people
  6. Find purpose
  7. Enjoy a meaningful conversation
  8. Connect with your community
  9. Be part of a team
  10. Use your skills in a productive way
  11. Develop new skills
  12. Gain confidence
  13. Feel involved
  14. Explore new areas of interest
  15. Expand your horizons
  16. Get out of the house
  17. Feel valued
  18. Make new friends
  19. Strengthen your CV
  20. Feel better about yourself

Project objectives

These are the project objectives which we are working successfully towards in the East Belfast area. They enable us as an organisation to support volunteering in the area for both individuals and community groups.

  1. To promote and raise awareness of the benefits of volunteering and promote good practice.
  2. To build links between groups who involve volunteers and encourage cooperation.
  3. To help groups in the East Belfast area recruit volunteers.
  4. To create a solid ‘bank’ of volunteers to support groups in East Belfast.
  5. To facilitate links with outside volunteering/support schemes.
  6. To increase volunteer activity by groups under-represented in the volunteering population.
  7. To ensure a wide range of volunteering opportunities are available.

Volunteer roles

There is a wide range of volunteering opportunities in the East Belfast area. Examples of roles include:

  • Youth club leader
  • Nature reserve assistant
  • Blogger
  • Befriender
  • Charity shop assistant
  • Community fundraiser
  • Driver
  • Guide leader
  • Heritage guide
  • Artist
  • Information stand helper
  • Café attendant
  • Event organiser
  • DIY worker
  • Afterschools club helper
  • Leaflet distributor
  • Community gardener

How we support community groups

  • Training
  • Ongoing support
  • Volunteer events
  • Library resources
  • Volunteer placements
  • Volunteer management advice
  • Volunteer involving Organisation Network
  • Updates on changes in legislation in relation to volunteers
  • Access NI umbrella organisation

For more information, please contact Jonny Currie, Community Development Director, on 028 9045 1512 or email jonny@ebcda.org.